Fudge Squares

These are a breeze to whip up, and make for a great chocolate afternoon snack

Add orange or mint essence to the icing for a slightly different flavour.

Kids Microwave Cookbook
Title image from you.co.za
  1. Place butter, golden syrup, sugar, and half the cocoa powder (1 Tbsp) into a large mixing bowl. Microwave on medium for 2 1/2 minutes.
  2. Stir thoroughly, then add flour, baking powder, and coconut. Stir well, and press evenly into a 20cm diameter glass dish lined with baking paper.
  3. Microwave on medium high for 4 1/2 minutes.
  4. While cooking, prepare icing: fill a medium sized bowl 1/4 full of boiling water. Place a smaller bowl inside the larger, and sift in icing sugar and remaining cocoa. Pour in hot water and stir until smooth.
  5. Evenly spread icing over fudge. Leave to set, then slice. Chill until cold, then store at room temperature.