Chocolate Mousse

This classic recipe is light but deliciously rich. Thick and creamy and bad for you.

Optionally, add some of your own flavours. 2 tablespoons of orange juice make a wonderful jaffa recipe, while a dash of coffee makes the dessert a little more adult.

Melissa's Creamy Chocolate Mousse
  1. Beat egg whites (with clean beaters) until soft peaks form, set aside.
  2. Whip cream in a large bowl until soft peaks form, set aside.
  3. Melt chocolate in double boiler or microwave, then stir in egg yolks (if not using pure egg whites) and any flavouring.
  4. Allow to cool slightly, gently fold the chocolate mixture through the cream.
  5. Lightly fold egg whites into chocolate and cream mixture, spoon into small dishes, and serve.